
First Birthday Party!

Here are some pictures of your first birthday party. I will get the rest of the pictures up here when everyone has a chance to get here- we had a bad snowstorm and people couldnt get off work. Anyways I think it went well and we had a pretty good turn out too. Lets see if I can remember who all came and what they brought you...
Mom and Dad: Your Quilt and Seuss the fish
Grandma Tonya: 4 Wheeler
Grandma Dawn and Grandpa Lloyd: Legos, John Deere Sippy Cups, Tools
Amanda: Summer Outfits
Great Grandma and Grandpa: Card and Money
Great Aunt Marg and Uncle Cal: Cat in the Hat and a $25 Meijer Card
Priscilla: Summer Outfit and some furry books
Al and Joann Warren: An Outfit
John: Yougurt Melts
Brian and Jenna: A Lego Dumptruck
Cassie: Summer Outfit (when she comes back to work)
Rainy: (She is going to get it to you soon lol)
Brenda: (Also getting it to you soon)
Uncle Carl and Theresa: A Card and some money
Joann: A Farm Truck (she is bringing it up soon)
With the money that you got, mom went shopping and got you a Big Dr. Seuss Beginner Book with lots of stories in it, a spring jacket that you will really need when we go strollering, and one of those alphabet mats for your bedroom. Their is still some left but we are waiting for some summer stuff to go on sale so we can make the money stretch farther...mom is eyeing a slide in the backroom and a swing for this summer. You are so spoiled but atleast you arent spoiled rotten your spoiled sweet.
You didnt take a nap hardly at all in the afternoon on the day of your party so we were all wondering how you were going to do come 3 O clock...but you were really in a good mood most of the time, then when things were over we gave you some dinner and put you down to bed and didnt hear a peep out of you until almost 10 the next morning! Then we went into town and got some pictures done with amanda, they came out really good. I will get the ones up here that I got a couple of weeks ago, I just have to find the time to get over to Dawns and use the scanner. I got your quilt done with a little help from Dawn-she machine quilted the back together and did the trim because I got really busy. But thats about it, I have to get going here and take a shower and get around for work before you get up from your nap.
Love, MOM

1 comment:

Gina said...

Happy birthday to the little man! What great photos! I love that last one of all of you!