
Some new things

First time on the swing

First time down the slide
Getting into the easter baskets
Eating spagetti O's for the first time

Hey Everyone,
Sorry its been a while, I have been really busy with work, caleb and getting things around for spring...
I think that we have things in a pretty good routine here finally! Caleb gets up at 9am, gets breakfast, plays and goes back to sleep around 11am. I then eat, clean and get around for the day. He gets up around 1pm, eats lunch and then we do whatever we are going to be going that day-I try and get him out atleast once a day weither it be a stroller ride, an outing, or just going out in the backyard since its getting nice out now. He then goes back down for a short nap around 3pm and I get things around for dinner and or clean/go to work, he is then up again around 4pm to play, eat dinner and get his bath, then its off to bed at 6-7pm depending on how tired he is. So we have been taking stroller rides when the weather is nice-he really seems to like them. We just got him a little tykes play gym for outside, a swing and a picnic table. He really likes the swing but he isnt sure about the gym yet. We are also going to be putting a padio in the backyard this year and one for him to put his turtle sandbox on. I am really excited about this summer, it will be really fun once we get the pool up and everything situated around the yard. Today he went and got his picture taken with the easter bunny-i will get it on here when i go over to dawns next...
Sunday we are going to be at the gilberts and visiting my mom so we should be busy all day but hopfully by next week things will start to calm down again. I think thats all we have been up to, I have to go to bed now I am so exhausted!
Love, Jenelle

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