
Visit to Holland

We packed up and went to Holland MI this weekend to visit David's Aunt Marge and Uncle Cal.
Caleb took right to them and even let Marge keep her shirt buttoned up this time! We had a fantastic lunch at their place and then it was off to the lake for some fishing. Caleb likes the idea of fishing but hates the waiting game and above all, hates touching the fish. He spent some time on the dock with us but then grabed Marge and headed for the slide. The guys caught a couple fish and I had a couple nibbles but it was all catch and release.
When we all had our fill of the lake they were very elusivly might I add telling us that they were taking us to see "The Captain". I thought it was a bathroom or something as a joke haha. It turned out to be a really cute icecream shop that apparently (Past thankfully) President Bush had visited.
I took lots of pictures of course and ended up with some milk jugs that will forever make Grandpa Lloyd ponder where they came from.
Caleb and I crashed on the way home and were ready for adventure and pizza later!
Thanks for the great time!

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