
1st Fishing Trip

Caleb took his first fishing trip today! First we went to fish hatchery park hoping that we would have an easy time catching something. Oh how wrong we were! The fish there were so pampered that they wouldnt bite on anything that wasnt from McDonalds. We had all but given up when I thought of our neighbor Mr. Coats' ponds right across the road from us. We didnt think that we would catch anything there but we thought hey, we dont have anything better to do so we off we went.
Caleb as it turns out is quite the lazy fisherman. He spent most of the time in the Jeep watching us curled up in the blanket. It was really cold that day for some reason.
As soon as David cast Calebs line out he had landed himself a 16 inch smallmouth bass!! We proceeded to catch about 6 in all of about 10 minutes.
We had a blast and plan on going back soon. Hopefully next time Caleb will touch the fish next time!

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