
He's So Smart!

Caleb is getting so smart!
He knows all of his numbers, letters, letter sounds, animals, shapes, and colors. He also knows how to cut with sissors already! He doesnt know how to count all the way to ten but he knows all the numbers and can go to 5 no problem. The alphabet is giving him some problems but he knows what each letter is and what sound it makes in a word. We are working on all that plus starting to learn our US states! He's doing so well.

The pictures up there are as follows:
- An 'A'...it looks like scribbles because he was scribbling but then called me in to make an A, I said no, you make me one and then he did!
- A 'C' ...
- What happens when all your color dots end up in one bath...
- And then we are learning how fish breath.

His brain is like a sponge at this age. I dont see how other parents dont use this time wisely. Oh well, to each his own. :)


BaYa'S mAmA said...

Hes a mini noodles lookalike!!

Jenelle Kilmer said...

Thats what everyone says Tigger haha. (sarcasticly) Baya looks nooooothing like you either.