
A Nice Week

Sliding with dad, what a long drop!
New pad
Backyard with dad
At the park with mom
Working on the ford
This week Caleb has been busy. He got sick again with the same crap we all got about 6 weeks ago; out both ends and just feeling bad. Then mom got it again and now dad is down with it. I am better now and so is Caleb but it is just crappy.
Anyways, Caleb has been visiting the farm and taking walks whenever we get there. He doesnt like to be in the stroller long, he likes to walk. When the horses are out, we dont like him to walk because they get a little nosey if you know what I mean. He is getting better at walking through the tall grass though.
We also found a cool park that Caleb loves....we just have to go when there are not a lot of big kids because there are some places that he can just walk off of, so mom and dad follow him around and he loves it!
Even though I was feeling really crappy yesterday, I went to a garage sale that was selling a step 2 house...I have really been wanting one for Caleb so even though I puked on the way back, I it was worth it!
I will post more pics, but I am kind of in a hurry today. One more massage and then going to get
Grandma Tonya, so its going to be a long evening. I plan on being home at 10pm if all goes to plan.
Well thats it for this week,

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