
As many of you know, lots of my pictures got delted from my computer. I still have Caleb's on a backup, but the ones that I took for my photography are gone. Thankfully, I put the 'unidentified worm' on here.
Well getting to the point. No one knew what that worm was or what it would turn into. Then a couple months later in the backyard my mom found a huuuge moth. I took pictures that were much better than this one, and he was redder but you get the gist. There was a report on the news and everything about how these moths havent been seen here in so long and now they are back. I missed what it was called. I just thought it was cool that I took a picture of one.
Then today I find out after trying to identify a caterpillar that Caleb and I are now raising, that the 'unidentified worm' was really a silkmoth caterpillar and it turns into a huge Silk Moth.
I just thought it was wierd how some things end.
On another note, I will take some pictures of our new caterpillar...I think it will turn into another moth if we can keep it alive. Hopefully it will live and Caleb will get to see it coacoon and change into a moth or butterfly!

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