
Innocence is Bliss

Story 1:
Caleb and I went to Priscilla's for lunch. We went and sat in her backyard around her table (Caleb in the middle). Caleb knows his manners and uses them most of the time, but outright refuses to say please....He wanted a drink of Priscilla's tea and she was giving him some sips...I noticed that he wasn't saying please so I told her to make him use his manners before he got anymore. He of course got mad and was saying things like 'want more' & 'want drink thank you'. It was adorable but, didnt get him what he wanted. He has been slapping people in the face when he gets mad so I warned her about that. We thought he was going to slap her in the face but instead he grabbed ahold of her neck skin and said gobble! It was so funny. He didnt know what we were laughing so hard at and then just grabbed my hand and walked me to the car.
Story 2:
I was playing with Caleb in the backyard a couple of days ago when I noticed a couple strips of bark off the tree. Me as an adult think hmm, I wonder what caused it and move on. Caleb on the other hand today sees a piece of bark on the ground on the other side of the yard, carries it over to the tree and sits it where the tree is bare. He then states 'All done tree' It was soooo cute.

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