
Already 18 Months Old!

He wouldn't leave the big blueberry for anything! He had never rode the horse so dad helped him at the Masonic Picnic.
Driving the train at the fair this year, we were so excited that he could ride the rides this year-I think he rode 5 of them...
I dont know if Caleb thinks of Ruby as a horse or a slide now! Grandpa is dressed as a Union soldier in the Civil War Muster at Charlton Park.
He got is first real haircut-I chose a faux-hawk and he loves it-grandma dawn on the other hand misses his curls!
Caleb is 18 months old today! He is getting to be such a big boy too. He walks really well now and has his own language, but he is learning to speak english also. Its so wierd how moms can tell what their kids are saying but no one else can. I guess its because you are around them so much you learn parts of their language as you go along just like they are learning yours, thankfully the parents dont end up speaking baby talk in the end. He has begun the game of grab something that you shouldnt have and run away with it. IF you catch him he is really good about giving it back to you, if you dont get him you probably wont see whatever he took for a while ex: your keys. He also got his first 'professional' haircut yesterday. He loves his faux-hawk! I wasnt sure how he would be getting cut with the clippers but he did really well and he seems to like his hair shorter too. I am teaching him to spike the front and he is doing a really good job.

David and I have decided to wait until Caleb goes into school full time to if at all have another baby. We would like to spend all of our time and money on him atleast for now-we have realized how much we have missed and are beginning to see every moment in a new light. David just adores spending time with his little man now that he can just put him in the car and go somewhere. I think we are planning a John Deere trip for tomorrow. I was going to be getting a new stroller with Kelsey tomorrow at Babies R Us but she started having contractions today so I think she may be a little busy tomorrow. She cant wait to get Aiden out of her lol. She has promised that I will get to baby sit and my friend Cassie is also having a little boy-Noah in December. Finally I found out what my best friend Amanda is having and I am happy to report its a girl in December as well! I was really hoping that I would have a niece. I went a little over the top when I found out because we were having a really good sale at work so I got a lot of little girl things. I have to get to making the baby blankets though I only have about 3 more months to go! I think that Caleb and myself will both have enough to deal with baby wise for a while atleast. Hope everyone enjoys the pics.
Love, MOM

1 comment:

Gina said...

18 months?!! Where did the time go? He just gets more and more handsome! Love all the photos!!!