
Monsters, Pumpkins and Worms

Caleb is leaning against 19 months already. I havent been taking as much photos as I was because I have been so busy and we really havent done anything that different lately.
We went to the farm and Grandpa told us about a worm that was on the shed. We must have looked odd from the road because David, Me, Caleb, Lloyd and Dawn were all over there looking at this huge caterpillar. Grandpa was going to let Caleb touch it and Dawn and I freaked out...I just thought that it looked suspicious and shouldnt be trusted and Grandma thought the same thing. Grandpa thought that we were being over protective because I said it may be poisonous and laughed. Caleb then proceded to stick his arm and then his head into a hole that goes under the barn...I grabbed him of course. Boys get into so much trouble no matter how old they get!
The next time we went to the farm Grandma said that the pumpkins were ready. Yeah! I ran inside and got her camera because I wasnt expecting photos that day. He liked being in the patch for a little while but he started touching the stems and the leaves and they are poky so he wanted out. He picked out a green pumpkin and a nice orange one. They are now on my front steps. He is so proud.
Today, we put him into his Monster pjs to go down for a nap-story to follow. He is still too short for the 24 month but he is to tall for the 18 month ones so the feet drag on the floor and its kind of hard for him to walk but he mananges. I just thought that it was funny seeing him getting into stuff with 'huge' feet. So heres why he gets put in nightys even for nap time. Caleb has taken to making a poop 'yeah good for him' but he doesnt tell you anymore about the poo. He usually does it just before or during his morning nap...God help you if its during...he strips all his clothes off, takes his diaper half off and throws his turds all over his bedroom(white carpet!) and he eats some of course, gets it under his nails, in the sheets that are now in the trash, and the walls and crib. Needless to say-I dont need that and he hasnt figured zippers out yet so hopefully by the time he does he will be ready to potty train. If you have any suggestions please feel free to note them in the comment box, Thank You. MOM

1 comment:

Gina said...

Well I think that is great that he can't make a mess if he is in zipper pajamas. Yikes. Liam didn't figure out how to take his diapers off until he was 3. And I am grateful for that.

The catapillar story cracked me up!