
Our Little Dare Devil

Caleb was standing by the big wooden chest that we use in front of the couch the other day...dancing of course. Well he decided that he wanted to sit back down and about half way through the maneuver he decided that no, he would lay down on his belly....so as you can imagine things didnt go as planned... He landed on his arm and his arm hit his face and he bit his lip. I didnt think he was that hurt until I got over to where he was...I thought he was just scared and was making a big deal out of falling on his face like most babies do...When I got over to him their was blood all over his face and the floor and it was just pouring out! I snatched him up, jumped the gate, ran to the kitchen, remembered that the paper towels were back in the living room, ran back, jumped the gate, grabbed the towels, jumped the gate, ran to the kitchen, got one wet and gave it to caleb. He sucked on it and I gave him a yogurt melt. After all the ruckus (I think he thought it was funny because I was hauling him around the whole time) he forgot about it and when Cassie came over later that day I took his picture and put it in his scrapbook. The others are from his stunt work that he has been doing lately. He climbs the stairs when mom or dad is right their with him (he has to learn sometime, otherwise we have the gate up) He can go 6 up now and he is learning how to come down. He also has figured out how to get onto the couch on his own so he can look out the window at his leisure...we just put some pillows down on the floor and he spends most of his time going up and down, he likes the drop to the pillows the best. Grandma Dawn was here the other day and I swear she about had a heart attack when he dropped from the couch to the pillows! She still does everytime he does it but I keep telling her that he is tough and he wouldnt do it again and again if it hurt him, anyways he has to learn how to do it sometime anyways. I guess I'm not a worry wort mom...but he is getting very daring!

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