
11 Months and Counting

Oh my gosh, time has really flown by! Caleb, You are almost a year old now and we are so proud of you, but I will save the sappy stuff for your one year old post...get ready for a tear jerker lol.
Anyways, things have been going ok here, Caleb has discovered that he has an attitude...joy. He will not be dressed in the morning, noon, or night. He will not take a bottle. He will not take his juice straight from the fridge (I have to warm it first). He will not wear a diaper. He will not nap. He will not be restrained in his high chair. And he ignores the words ah ah ah and no....so...things have been just ok here. I think that it will get better after he learns to walk because I think that he is bored and frustrated at the world because everyone else is walking and he isnt. He is on the move though. He can stand now and he pulls himself up on everything and he is working on getting on the couch. He is also back to wanting cuddles, I miss that but I am happy to report that every once in a while he will let you get a snuggle in. :). He can feed himself very well now but doesnt want to be in the high chair for the entire meal...and would like his sippy in the middle of the affair. I have been really busy cleaning and getting around for his party so I have had little time to myself but it will be worth it when he digs into his cake and we get all the photos. Speaking of photos, we are taking the 3 generation photo with davids parents and my mom on saturday along with calebs 1 yr old pics. Hopefully if we do them that soon we can have them in by his birthday their by saving lots of $ in postage. Speaking of money, did anyone elses electric bill go up? ours more than doubled because they raised their rates! I dont know how they can do that to people. Rainy, a girl that I work with at meijer, brought over ther nephew Zander the other day and he played with Jack and Caleb, I think that Caleb enjoyed being around another kid. Hopefully some babies can come to his party so he can play. Anyways the laundry isnt going to do itself...
Love, Jenelle

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