
Toothy Pictures

Here are some of the tooth pictures that I just took! I guess its an appropriate time for him to get his 'fangs' in since its Halloween time and he's cute enough to pull them off. I am going to hold off the family picture until he gets his middle two front teeth in-at least most of the way in. They are just under the gum line so cross your fingers-any time now. So the family picture will probably be around his first birthday. I don't know if I mentioned it but he is scooting/crawling all over the place now and he is really excited about it!
On another note, David noticed some blood in his urine about a month ago and found out that he had a really big kidney stone that would have to be dealt with so we just got through with that yesterday! We had to go all the way up to Butterworth but it wasn't so bad. The Dr. said that the procedure went really well and he wasn't groggy after it either. He was in pain when we were leaving but that was about it until last night at bedtime, he didn't sleep at all last night and hasn't been able to nap today because of the pain. He has a heat pad wrapped around his abdomen most of the time and he says that helps. Although he has been vomiting all day and has been in a lot of pain, the nurse said that if its still doing all that tomorrow to go in and have them take a look. Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow because in the morning I have to take both the dogs to walmart to get mason a new collar (Lucy keeps eating his) and then to the vet while Caleb is napping, come home, cook dinner, take care of Caleb, get around for work and then go to work! Tomorrow is going to be crazy.
Grandma Dawn got Caleb a baby's first Christmas ornament today and I got the rest of the ribbon that I needed for the stockings that I am making for everyone (picture to follow). I need to finish painting the pine cones that I have been collecting while on our walks and then I am going to put scented oil on them and put them around the house and some on the tree. I also made some ornaments out of baking clay that look like little gingerbread men and ones that are in the shape of stars that spell out K I L M E R. I may make some more but I don't know if I will have time. I still have 2 more stockings to make to make a total of 9! I may also make a new tree skirt because my old one is getting a little worse for ware and I don't want Caleb eating the fringe. Speaking of baby proofing, I am about 99% done with the house at this point, the guys are going to put up the spools for the stairway and I have to get a gate for it but that's it! Well I had better go, I still need to eat something before I go to bed and I am exhausted!
Love, Jenelle

1 comment:

Gina said...

Gosh I was already tired and your post exhausted me more. What a time you guys have had... busy and David being so sick. What a lot to worry about. I hope David is doing better now.