
Independence from feeding (somewhat)

These are some of the many pictures that I have taken of our boy this week. The halloween costume is done but we have to get some real pumpkins around so we can set up for the pictures. He is going to be so cute. I have to make this short Bones is already on...Caleb has learned how to hold his bottle now! I have been waiting for this day! He cant always make it to his mouth quite right so he still needs assistance but soon he will be doing it by himself all the time. Still no sight of the elusive 3rd tooth...although its symptoms have been rearing their ugly heads lately...He is in 12 month clothing now and still getting longer! I cant find him a one piece snow suit anywhere so we are going to have to make one, it would be nice to have a baby that you can just go in a get the right size...oh well we love him anyways. The other pics are him goofing around the house, he learned how to use his johnny jump up the other day and he loves it, he also has figured out how to blow raspberries while he has food in his mouth-see above, and he is getting to where he wants to be fed but he has so much more to do with looking around the house and watching Jack walk all over. Jack likes to lay just out of calebs reach and no matter how hard caleb tries he cant reach him and jack is satisfied! Ha wait till caleb creeps...he will get it then, caleb always puts his hands out and tries to touch jacks tail as he walks past-he is very gentle with jack too. Oh this is so funny I have to post it...I was singing(not very well might I add) in the bathroom after my bath and dancing the weird way that I do and you know how you do all that when you dont think that anyone is watching but then you get really embarassed when you notice someone standing there...well caleb was sleeping and david was at work and the dogs were outside so I thought that I was safe but I turn around and Jack is standing in the doorway with a look of bewilderment and humiliation for me on his face and I got so embarassed that I came upstairs(anyone with cats knows the look that I mean).

Love, Jenelle

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Did you take those halloween pictures at your house? You are so creative! Unlike Gina, I rarely ever take pictures. It bugs my mom that I don't post pictures more often. I'm glad to see that you are better than I am because I loved seeing all these picturs of Caleb.