
Stroller Ride Pictures

The smaller but more turtle-ridden pond
Mason at the bigger pond

I thought that I would upload some pictures that I took on our stroller ride today. It is so pretty out there that I just had to take some pictures, as the leaves change I will take some more, it has just begun here. This is across the street on our neighbors property (he lets us walk there since its safer for us living on a busy road and we enjoy the scenery). Caleb and I take Mason with us and he loves to run all over the place, their is usually a sand hill crane in the smaller pond when we get down there and its Masons favorite game to run and try to catch it! He never does of course. Although when Priscilla and Dawn were walking with us today we think that he may have disturbed a skunk because it really stunk by the ponds today. I couldnt believe it either-there were mosquitos out there really bad today and I have been walking back there for about 3 months and we havent got bitten once(of course I didnt bring his stroller net!) Dawn brought her little corgi Dixie too, she was a little nervous though because she wasnt familiar with the place. Caleb got his Halloween pictures done in his pumpkin costume so the next time that I go to Dawns I will upload them, it wouldnt let me do it on this computer...They came out so cute though, Jack even got his done too-surprise surprise! Good news on the job front for me! I got an interview tomorrow with Meijer and I hope to get the job! That will make lots of things better. Hopefully 2nd shift though so we dont have to get a babysitter or daycare! Well I have to go cook dinner. Tootles for now

Love, Jenelle

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