
Some new things

Playing with Grandma Dawn (everyone has to be on here hehe)
Carrot Faced

Here are some cute shots that I took a couple days ago.

Caleb has been in a really bad mood lately...I hope he gets over it soon! I think that he is bored with me so I have been asking people to come over and that has greatly improved his mood. I think that he is so frustrated being in the house and with the same ol same ol that he gets crabby...so do I. So I have been taking him for a scenic stroller ride most everyday and that has seemed to help. He is also working on tooth #3 so that probably isnt helping much. Its getting colder now so I will have to go and get him some more sleepers-he only has 3 that fit him and when its cold I just put them on him all day-he enjoys it. He also has changed his schedule, he sleeps for about an hr in the morning for a nap and then is up until about 3! That is a big change from what I am used to! Then he takes a longer one after lunch time so that gives me time to clean the house and cook dinner. On another note, I am going to call KCC today and see about taking my nurse aid class again. I will have to get a temp job though until I get enough money saved up though because the closest class is in Battle Creek but I cant drive all that way everyday so I am going to take the one in Coldwater like I did last time and stay with either my mom or Joann to save on gas and try and plan all this around vacation time for david...So I will have to get this done really soon-I shouldnt have let it laps. Hopefully I can get into the hospital here and they will hopfully give me a nursing scholorship to be an LPN, that is my goal-we will see in time I guess if everything works out. Well I have to get around for the stroller ride, he should be up shortly.

Note to self: Dont forget our anniversary on the 22nd and Davids birthday on the 24th!

Love, Jenelle

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