
Seven Months

Biting the head off of turtle
A cloudless sky (stroller ride at the kilmers)

Wow your already 7 months old!


Things have been going smoothly lately. You have been getting up later and taking fewer naps, but you still take a long one in the morning which is good so mom can pick up the house and play with you later. Dr. Phil (moms show) comes on an hour later so I have time to get you around and put back down for a nap by the time it comes on so I have an hour to myself to have breakfast and relax before my day really starts. You also give me time for a shower while you are napping in case someone stops by-thanks. We are still waiting on your next tooth...I think you might get another one on the bottom...it feels a little tender there. You are going to get your pictures done every 3 months now and we are doing our next family one in the beginning of November so we can send it out in a holiday card. After February we will only do your pictures every November and February. The house has been changing as you have noticed, I have been decorating for fall and you like to look at all the different colors and touch the fake leaves. You also took your second trip to the mall today with priscilla. Mom finally got the coat that she has been wanting but I had to get it in little girls sizes because I'm a midget! Oh well its cheaper that way anyways. I got you a snowsuit too and it looked big but when we got it all the way home it just fit you now....thats the biggest size I could find so grandma dawn is going to make you a bigger one. It was so cute though, it was a blue bear. Oh well. Dad had a good birthday and got what he wanted, hehe I should post his birthday pic on here-he wouldnt smile for the camera so it came out goofy. You have also been a lot better because we have been taking long stroller rides every day and listening to Narnia on cd-you really love that. Their isnt much else to report. Mom is going job hunting tomorrow so cross your fingers!
Love, MOM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw Jenelle

This is so cute that you are doing this site. It brought tears to my eyes to see how you post about your little Caleb. You are such a good mom and i look up to you about that. Im really glad that we get to work together. You are an amazing person!!