
What our animals have been up to

Jack on 'his' couch, notice he is in the middle... and in Calebs stroller
Mason and Lucy enjoying the rain free day, he may be bigger, but she is the boss lol!

Well we got the new couch from Priscilla and Jack has decided that it is his now, she had two female cats and he hasnt ever met one in his semi-adult life so he has a love obsession with our couch...He also thinks that if its good enough for the kid then it may be good enough for him...the crib, clothes, food, toys, diapers, diaper boxes, bath tub & the water in it...and so on. Jack whom might I ad longs to go outside, doesnt know what to do when he gets out there so he just cowers until you go and get him, has now decided to sleep in Calebs stroller...it was really hard to get his shot because he doesnt like being caught doing things like this, he gets very embarassed.

The dogs have been mad for a while because it has been rainy here and Lucy for one refuses to use the bathroom at all if she has to get a rain drop on her head-she is very prissy, but mason is a good ol boy and will do whatever you tell him so he atleast went to the bathroom alone. I had to go out on the porch and instruct Lucy by the end of the first day (it rained for 3 days straight here) so reluctantly did because she is very stubborn but knows that I am more stubborn than she is. We arent sure what happened to Mason but he has been

limping on his right front leg for the past week, David and I both felt it but it doesnt seem to be broken or anything, all the tendons muscles and ligaments are all in the right spots and there is no inflammation, the only thing that we could think of is that maybe he cracked he bone or got something imbedded in his pad so we decided to wait a couple of days and see how it goes, a week later and he wasnt limping when I let them in tonight, I will have to call the vet if he is in the morning. Although he cut his pad really bad last winter and the vet said to bandage it up really well and put that liquid bandaid stuff on it with a sock over it and he only favored it when David was here to baby him...around me he was fine so I will spy on him tomorrow from the window. Enjoy the pics


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