
Grandpa Firestone

The Day They Got Engaged
Grandpa During The War In Germany I Believe
The Grandpa I know LOL

I know that I missed Grandma's birthday on June 8th, but I am getting an early start on Grandpa's...For those of you that dont know....

My Grandpa's name was Glen Elgin Firestone. He married my Grandma shortly after she had my aunt beth (from a previous marriage). Grandpa adopted aunt beth as his own and they later went on to have Brenda (Gina & Heidi) , Katrina (Sabrina & Katrina), and Tonya (Me). They had their rough times but that was way before I was born so I dont know much about that. The whole time that I knew them they were the 'grandparent type' you know all lovey and all about life in general. They loved to take trips to visit all the grandkids and they visited me either by coming and seeing me in oklahoma or bringing me to Michigan for the summer. We always went to church every Sunday and grandma always wanted me to go to yard sales and gadding with her...but I much prefered when Grandpa would say hey you! you wanna go to a job with me and help me fix poop pipes? That was the highlight of my summers. The downside was he always wanted payment...he always wanted me to clean his dentures and if I refused he would always chase me through the halls until I yelled for grandma or locked myself in my bedroom-it was all in good fun though. So we moved up here finally and into their house so we got to spend a lot more time with them. Grandma had just got over her cancer and it was in remission so they were taking more trips all over the world. Her cancer came back and it hit grandpa really hard...then she passed on and then he got prostate cancer-which was hard for the whole family especially givin the circumstances....he was a fighter though, just like grandma. He later remarried and moved to Quincy, he then got lukemia I believe and wasnt so fortunate this time and passed on my 18th birthday. I have many memories of my poop pipe grandpa and I will be posting more on here throughout the month if I can. I wish he would have lived long enough to see the great grandkids, I think that he would have really enjoyed that, grandma as well. Hope you enjoy the pics.



Gina said...

What a great tribute! I have similar memories of Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa was always out to get a rise out of us, wasn't he!? Such a crack up!

Loved your post about the neon outfits and hats and ties he'd wear. Too funny!

Heidi said...

Gina directed me to your blogsite and I read this post about grandpa. I love it! I sure miss him and grandma. I think about them a lot and I think it's very nice of you to blog about them. Also, your son is just ADORABLE!