
Pictures and a short story

First 2 Teeth
Looking Goofy
Woke Up With A Poopy Butt
!st Trip Out To Eat (he didnt eat the pizza of course)
Playing With A Baby Basketball

Geez, your 6 1/2 months old already big guy! You went to the doctor the other day and got some more shots...you really had a rough time this time with them. You also got your two bottom teeth in (see picture), took your first and second dip on the pool, and went out to a resturaunt for the first time already too. You still cant sit up by yourself yet so grandma dawn got you a chair that helps you so hopefully you will be able to sit by yourself any time now! You also have tried some new juices-peach and grape, so far peach is the all time favorite. You have also been staying up for a lot longer now and you are getting a little frustrated because you arent old enough to do some of the things that you want so desperatly to do like crawl, sit up alone, and feed yourself-soon though turkey. I dont remember exactly how tall you were at your visit 26" I think and 18 lbs. You are at the 98th percentile for height and 50th for weight-I remember that much lol. You are beginning to be so much fun, I cant wait until you are walking and feeding yourself well though. I decided that everyone needed new stockings since we got you and Jackson this year so those are coming out pretty quick now. We also got a couch that I have been waiting for-it has a sleeper in it so when people stay they now have a place to sleep (not that you arent willing to share your crib :) ) I cant really think of much else to say. Hopefully by the time that the 7 month letter comes out I can report that you can sit up-we are working on it everyday-crawling will probably take longer but we are working on that too. I cant wait until Halloween...David doesnt want to do the baby hurcules thing so we will have to think about something else. Maybe a bunny foo foo.

On another note, I was thinking about Grandpa this morning and I have another memory to share...

I remember as I am sure Gina and Heidi remember also when he would embarass us so much by wearing a neon orange sleeveless shirt, neon green shorts, and one pink sock and one yellow sock, both up to his knees! He would also have a farmers tan from wearing a short sleeved shirt to work around the house so he had bright white shoulders lol! He thought it looked awsome but we were so embarassed and grandma had just learned to deal with it. He wore such odd outfits...Those Flintstone socks were his favorite too! Oh and dont forget the hat! OMG Glens Handyman Service on bright green or orange hats! He just loved to see peoples faces when they looked him up and down. He would always wear a suit and semi normal tie for church every sunday though (then change into his usual outfit for the church softball games-I was his cheerleader believe it or not).

We miss you poop pipe!

Glen Firestone 9-2-1931 to 12-14-2003

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