
A cute story

My little man doing the airplane!

Ok so you know how a baby wakes up really mad sometimes....you know the type, poopy diaper and convinced that he is starving to death...This story is about that.

Caleb didnt want anything to do with me the other day unless I was holding a bottle when he woke up from his nap. Typical man thinks with his stomach even though he obviously had a bigger problem lol, he had a poop blow out and I was hurridly trying to remidy the problem. I wasnt going fast enough and I was being told to hurry it up at the top of Calebs lungs...I was trying to blow raspberries and laugh and talk to him to try and calm him down while I was changing him and getting him cleaned up but to no avail...Jackson, who might I add tries to act like he doesnt like Caleb when he thinks people are watching, really likes him :) Anyways he heard Caleb crying in his crib and came to investigate all the commotion...he always tries to sooth him when he is crying. He got on his hind legs, reached out a paw and touched Calebs outstreatched hand through the crib and meowed. It was so adorable! I was like oh Jack you are so cute, because Caleb had stopped crying and turned his head to look at Jack and he smiled.
That was so adorable, I just had to share it.
Ps. New pics are getting taken on Sat, we are doing both Calebs 6mth and the first 'real' family shot. I will have them up here as soon as I get them.

1 comment:

Gina said...

That is such a cute story! Go Jackson!