
New Pictures

The pictures wouldn't load...big surprise huh. Oh well I will try again some other time, now it is time to give Caleb a diaper change and a midnight snack! I will be taking a lot more on the 16Th during his party. I am so excited about it-of course he will never be able to remember it! We just went and bought a huge pool today and we are in the process of filling it up. Hopefully everything will go well and we can all use it at the party. I cant wait to see what Caleb's reaction will be when he gets in there for the first time! We also should be getting the professional photos back soon, we took a family one this time too and it came out really well. Caleb is also teething and not in a very good mood. Last night was awful, we tried everything but he cried for an hour straight and then finally went to sleep. Tonight wasn't good but it wasn't as bad as last night...I hope we never have to go through that again.
Hope to see everyone at the party..Gina doesn't have to be the only one commenting on here you guys lol.
Oh that reminds me, if anyone knows how to get the movie off of my digital camcorder please tell me! I cant figure it out and I really want to make a DVD for this Christmas-not to mention make one of last Christmas!

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