
6 Month Party

Caleb and Grandma Tonya
The Elvis Impression
Carl and Teresa
Opening Presents
The Cake (yeah I spelled months wrong-I was in a hurry)

This is going to be a really long post!


Your 6 months old Turkey (almost)! We are so proud of you and you always brighten our day. You have been eating really well-I think that you have tried almost everything that you can have at this age...you really dont care for green beans though...I will try them again and see how things go. You have been really having a hard time getting your teeth in but it all worked out in the end, you now have one tooth above the surface (bottom left) and I am happy to report that you are working on your second bottom as we speak..well type. I am so excited for you....you will be much happier when they are in too I am sure. Your party was really nice, we got the pool up and it was a nice warm day so your dad, me and amanda went for a dip after the party. I couldnt get everyone's picture on here but they probably think thats a good thing! The people that came were: mom, dad, both grandmas, your great grandparents, grandpa lloyd, aunt lorna and uncle aaron, great aunt karen, great uncle carl and aunt teresa, priscilla and larry and you of course. You got lots of neat toys to play with too! Joann couldnt come on saturday so she came the day before and got you all to herself..she also got you some books and a big red wagon! I will have to take a picture of all your new goodies when I get a minute. Oh I almost forgot! You got in the pool for the first time today! I will get the pictres on here later if it will let me load them-I have been having problems with it lately. Tomorrow grandma dawn and us are going to look around for some bins to put your toys in, grandma tonya gave you some money and mom and dad are going to build it for you so will have room to play with them in your small bedroom.

Thats all that has been going on, your having a rough night and dad wants me to come and watch a movie with him before he goes to bed since we dont really see eachother during the week.

Love, Mom.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Great job on that cake!