
Some New Pictures and Events

The first one is of Caleb watching Ellen and laughing/babbling along with her. The second is Jack being silly again. I walked in Calebs room to find Jack rolling his head around to look at me from the changing table...

Well some interesting things have been going on here lately. I got the job at the spa as a massage therapist! I am so excited to start there. I'm still at the greenhouse but just for the rest of the season. We were doing really well and were thinking about getting a pool for the backyard and then on Davids way into work yesterday he hit a deer and we think it bent the frame on his car, that stinks, now we have to figure something out because we cant afford for me to take him into work, come home go into work, 3 hrs later, come home, go and get him 2 hours later, go home and drop him off, then go all the way back into town to go to the greenhouse and then go home-all while paying for daycare....Dawn has been thinking about getting a new car and David wants us to buy her truck, but times are hard for everyone and if Lloyd looses his job then they will be single income with 2 car payments. Oh well we will have to figure something out.

On a lighter note, Amanda is going to be coming to visit Caleb this weekend and she is going to be getting pictures with him (I moved the date up a week so he wont technically be 4 months but oh well). She hasnt seen him since the birth which stinks because she is his godmother but she went and moved to Ohio last year...I'm working on getting her back up here. Aaron-her boyfriend hasnt even ever met my little man but he is coming up too! We were thinking about maybe going canouing but as we have been having floods here the river is just about to the bridge so we thought better of it. We just got our power back on yesterday and some people are still without power!

We are having a 6 month birthday party for him on August 16th since no one will probably be able to make it to his real birthday in the winter. I'm going to send out invites at the end of this month.

LoL he is watching the price is right now and betting on a blender! Well I have to go the laundry isnt going to do itself.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Gina said...

I am so excited about your new job, but to sad to hear about the car issue. I hope you all can figure something out.