
New pictures on their way

Caleb got his pictures done yesterday a little before his 4 month birthday but oh well. We werent able to get a family photo because of weekend plans so we will have to get one at his 6 month appointment. For Fathers Day Caleb got his daddy a 'best dad hands down' shirt and mom and grandma helped him put his hand and foot prints on it for dad. Of course I couldnt hold out and I gave it to David tonight, but its not because I'm weak this time, its because I want him to wear it tomorrow when we go down to Bronson to see Amanda. I will probably take lots of pictures because Amanda hasnt seen Caleb since he was born. David has been doing a lot more with him lately and Lloyd even picked him up while grandma Dawn was getting a bottle ready. Well since I probably wont have time later I will make another blog for his 4 month post here in a minute- he has been doing some exciting new things! Oh we will get his pictures at or before July 2nd. He took realllllly good ones this time and we got one mid squeal!
Love, Mom

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