
4 months sure has flown by

The first picture is Amanda (Calebs Godmother) holding Caleb and getting him to laugh and squeal.

The second picture is of David and Caleb playing on the floor at Joann's house.

The third is just a cute close up of my Mr. C.

We headed down to Bronson after I got out of work on Saturday. Caleb was good all the way there, well probably because he slept the whole way! We got to the Gilberts a little early so we thought that we would just wait for them at their house because Caleb wanted something to eat and he had a wet diaper. So we got in the house alright, pet the dogs, and then when we decided to go and get the phone just to tell Amanda that we were here...we found that we werent being allowed to leave....Andy and Kelseys dog had decided that we had intruded and he wanted us to get busted. He growled and snapped at David when he tried to leave so I thought well he knows me so I will just go and get my shoes and get the cell phone.... nope he tried to bite me too! I thought well thats strange that he let us in and didnt act wierd...I even pet him! So we stayed in the parlor with the door shut and David went out another door and got the phone, called Amanda and she came over. David went to go to the bathroom and the dog isnt allowed on the carpet, let alone all the way up the stairs so I figured David was safe...Coniack followed him up the stairs and was wating for him to come out of the bathroom growling! He told him to get downstairs and he did. He seemed to be fine after that, but it still worried me that he was being so aggressive and I was holding Caleb...the dog would have to die! But he was cool when we all got outside. Anyways.
So here is the 4 Month old letter.
Caleb, you have been really busy this month. You have been getting so big and round! You did some new things this month like saying more words. You now say Yeah, Hi, Hey You, and Ah Goo. I'm not kidding either, everyone can tell when you say it. You also got your pictures taken with both grandparents this month, got one for the percheron news letter, and one for the fiber festival. Your going to be famous! Everyone likes your new stroller, and I took you for a walk in it down the road but decided that I wouldnt do that again because the car that went by didnt move over at all and he threw rocks all over us! You didnt get hit though, thank goodness. So I asked Ron Coats if we could walk down his lane and he said yeah so the next day we went for a walk down there-you liked it. We also had a series of really bad storms here. Your grandpa said that it was a hundred year storm because the ditches he has out back by the lane are meant to hold water for a realllllly big storm and they were over full and the stream by where you got your pictures just a couple weeks before is all washed out. Mom had just put down mulch in the front yard and made it look nice and then we got that storm and the front yard had 2 feet of water in it and was going about 15 miles an hour! So my mulch went with it. You go to your next doctors visit on the 23rd and mom has to ask about a cyst that you have on the back of your head, your dad has one in the same spot but I just want to make sure its ok. Grandma Tonya is going to be coming to see you this weekend so mom and dad can go to a wedding rehersal and wedding this weekend. You havent met Dale White yet, but I am sure you will, your just too young to go to a wedding yet. I have also got 3 patches done on your quilt and I have to get the 4 month one done soon! Geez time is really flying. We are also having a party for you in August to celebrate your 6 month birthday since everyone lives so far away that they wont be able to make the trip in the winter, but you will still have a party then too!
Well thats about it Turkey, your thinking that you would like a bath and then to watch a movie in your bathrobe with breakfast, then we can go into town and get dad a cake for fathers day since mom ate all the cake that he brought home the other day.
Love, Mom

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