
The First Day In Chicago

We decided that we would take a family vacation every year starting this year. What a better place to start than Chicago. We looked up the best childrens museums and one of the best was in there. When we first got there, we parked the car and took a walk down the boardwalk and then into the childrens museum. Caleb was blown away by the sheer size of the place, it was massive. We stayed there for a couple of hours and then drove to the hotel where we had planned on getting some dinner and then turning in early so we would be fully rested for the next days adventure. Caleb on the other hand had other things in mind...he cried for about an hr in his back n play and then finally barged into our room at 2am. He climbed into bed with us and slept on and off for about 15 mins and then I gave up and went out into the other room with him because David was getting sick. I though that maybe I could lay with him and get him to sleep but to no avail...we had breakfast at 3am and started our day. Needless to say, we didnt stay through the next night like we had planned haha.

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