
Eater 2010

The Easter 2010 photo
The um...Easter Bunny
Me and my young man

Our bunny in the kitchen
Helping color eggs
He's so proud of his eggs
He knew what was in those and wouldnt put them down
Egg hunting
Thankfully Caleb was feeling better on Easter! He really loves his M&Ms and he knew his eggs were full of them. David and I got him a Toy Story bucket with bubbles, a M&M dispenser, sunglasses and other goodies. My mom got him both of the Toy Story movies to put in his basket also. Dawn couldnt help herself and got him a Cars bucket with some candies and the Cars movie.
Thanks Grannys!
He had a really great Easter all in all. He colored eggs...and himself. He knew just what to do with the eggs that the Easter Bunny left him around the tree too!
Hope everyone enjoys the updates.


Gina said...

Loving those socks! Glad he had fun with the eggs. Liam wants to color eggs again already!

Aunt Beth said...

He is so precious. And I very much like the picture of you and "your little man" together. Yes, those socks are a little wild. Your grandpa would have wanted a pair just like them. Thanks for sharing.
Aunt Beth