
At the Farm and Misc.

Kelsey and I decided to commemorate our motherhood with tatoos of our little guys.
Our 'youngling'Grandma Dawn and her 'youngling'
Petting Ruby with Grandpa
I love this because he looks soooo small in contrast to the barn!

Caleb thinks that he needs to go to the farm once a day to see granny and grampy. He always gets up in the morning, grabs his shoes before breakfast and says either 'wanna go' or 'bye bye'. Its really cute and he makes it hard to say no.
It has been raining here for the past week so we havent been going to the grandparents house.
The Wednesday before Easter Caleb woke up at 4am with vomiting...so at 6am we took him to the ER. They gave him a pill and he was fine so we decided to still go along with the trip to see my mom in Sturgis. Everything was going awsome at Applebees and then at the park...till we got back in the car...Caleb lost it and puked all over himself and my mom. We got him cleaned up and he slept all the way home and then went to sleep for the night when we got home.
Needless to say he was 'ok' the next day but not great. Friday Caleb was back to himself then... I got it....out of both ends...I thought greeeeaaaat. Then I called my mom...yepp she had it and was laying on the floor at work. Sat came and Caleb was fine, I was fine, my mom was fine....David came into the bedroom at 6am and had it. I called in and 2 days later he is better :)
Long story short...if your kid gets sick, stock up on the gatorade and call in for the next couple days.

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