
The Zoo

The first day that the zoo opened my friend Rainy and I took our 'kids' to the zoo-she brought her nephew but he is as good as hers. It was so hot out that day! It was the beginning of April but it was almost 75 degrees! Anyways they didnt have a whole lot of animals out yet and they hiked the prices up really high but all in all I think they had a good time. Rainy and I lived and learned-we brought 2 coolers, 2 strollers and a diaper bag with us all around the zoo, that isnt so bad you say..well we went to wild africa and we had to load and unload all of our stuff 4 times! We didnt even get into the coolers unitl we got back to the car-oh well we will remember for next time I guess. Caleb and Zander fed the giraffes and got some cute things at the gift shop-Caleb got a giraffe frame and a frog the he picked out himself. We also took a ride on the carosel-that was fun but the camera was acting up so we didnt get as many photos as we wanted to. He was so good the whole time, he drank now and then and had snacks through the duration but didnt really ask for anything until we got back to the car-he didnt even need a diaper change! He was such a good boy!
Love MOM

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