
New This Week

This is from a couple of weeks ago but it wouldnt publish then so here it is now.
So we have had a pretty interesting week...
Caleb can sit up really well now (see photo) and he now knows how to sit up from his belly. He shows us that he can do it all day long and when he gets up there he does a jig and we all clap. He also has realized that he can splash in the tub-he could do it forever! So he has been keeping me busy. We gave him the gerber graduates pasta pick ups tonight and he made a mess but he loved that he could feed himself so it was worth it. We also got a mesh baby gate that goes in the big partition between our living and dining rooms. He has tested it and it seems to work well. Jack on the other hand hates it and protests on the dining room side if we are sitting on the couch. The kitchen is almost done, I will have to post a picture when the trim is up...we are having a really cold week and we dont want to stain it inside because of caleb and the pets so it may have to wait. Well thats about all that has been going on here so I will stop blabbing.
Love, MOM

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