
5 Months and Counting

This is you with your GREAT Aunt Brenda @ Uncle Bills

Its me again, writing you yet another letter.
You have been doing so well! You must be around 16 or so pounds and I'm not sure how tall you are because I havent measured you in a while but you are so tall! You have been changing so much this month, well just in a matter of weeks really! It has been so exciting. You didnt want to be on your belly at all before last week and then all of a sudden you began to do the 'airplane' on your belly and hold yourself up! It is so cute, I will have to get a picture of it, all of them are on grandma dawns camera though. You also finally found your feet-I have been waiting for you to find them all this time! Hmm lets see here, you have also eaten some new foods too! You really hated the rice cereal when I first gave it to you so we just jumped to foods, you ate squash first, then carrots, peas and then sweet potatoes. You like the sweet potatoes the best and carrots are your least favorite, but you will eat them eventually because mom is stubborn.
I entered you in the Precious Baby Contest for the right to life and you are doing pretty good, I will have to get the tally from grandma dawn, she was going to the fair tonight for me to get your picture back, they said that the baby that wins usually gets about 700,000 votes and the votes are a penny a vote....sorry bud, mom doesnt have that kind of money but we know that we have the best baby.
Dad also got a new truck the other day and he really likes it. I am sure that you guys will have many adventures in it.
P.s dont forget that your party is next month and we are so excited, I got you a John Deere cake pan!
Love, Mom

1 comment:

Gina said...

Sending penny wishes that he'll win!

I was so surprised to see a photo of my mom on here! He's getting so big and I am so jealous she got to meet him!