
3 Months and Growing

You are 3 months old now buddy! We have also had our first Mothers Day together! The first pic is on Mothers Day (you will probably hate me later for putting that on the internet), the second pic is you after your bath about 2 weeks ago (you dont really care for your baths much), the third is you in your new swing talking to mom, and the fourth is the look that you give when you dont get your way (I had just sat you down and you wanted to be held).
We have been on some new adventures this month, some you liked some you didnt...You went with mom to fill out paperwork at work and you didnt like that very much. You also visited the greenhouse yesterday and met Betty, she thought you were adorable! We went to Menards and got stuff to build a fence in the backyard to keep the dogs out of trouble and you enjoyed looking at all of the things they had there. Grandma Dawn got you a new stroller for her house so now you can go back by the horses for a walk with her when its nice. I also got your murel done in your room, I hope you like it. Your room at Grandma Tonya's is almost done, I have to paint the Lorax on it and then we will be done. You have been a pistol this month! You have been spitting up and shooting it across the room. Oh I almost forgot the most important thing! You talk now! Everytime I talk to you I say HI, and now you say HI when you see people you know too. Grandma Tonya was so surprised when you said it to her! Well your Grandma Dawn is coming to get you cause mom has to get ready for work so I'll say tootles for now Turkey.
Love, Mom

1 comment:

Gina said...

A busy month! Glad you are enjoying him so much, even with the trying times. They are so precious. HE is especially!