
He's Already 2 Months Old

Here are his 2 month pics, he looks sooo much like David

I cant believe the time has gone by so fast! He is so big now- almost 12 pounds and 2 feet tall!

Well little man you did some new things this month and here are the ones that mom can remember: You made your first trip to the John Deere dealer and got a new outfit, went to Dairy Queen with grandma Tonya, got your first professional pictures done, started talking to us and smiling more, you grab things now including grandma Dawn's hair, and you got your first set of shots-you were really good too.

I am almost done with the murel of Horton but I was working on it so much that I got really bad back spasms and had to go to the ER, so its on hold now but rest assured knowing that mom will get it done for you. I also got a job at the greenhouse for the next couple of months that will hopefully be really fun and lead to a longer job after the summer is over.

We have started to baby proof the house so we got a new entertainment center yesterday so you cant unplug things and push buttons on all of our electronics. Lucy and Mason are still getting into trouble in the back yard so we also got a small fence to keep them out of trouble as much as we can!

Old Mr. Coats (our neighbor) thought that you needed a lawn to play in later so he paid to have all the stringy trees taken out of the side yard so you now have a really big area to play in when you get older, that was really nice of him.

Well turkey, thats about all I can say at the moment-you sure keep me on my toes!

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Gina said...

What a sweet letter! Ian calls our guy a turkey too!

Great photos! Caleb has many faces. I see glimpses of both you and David. Such a cute little guy!