
Butterflys at Fredrik Meijer Gardens

  Grandma Tonya came up for the day and we scooped up Grandma Dawn as well and went to Fredrik Meijer Gardens to look at the butterfly exhibit because Caleb absolutly adores butterflies and ladybugs!   Dawn was the only one of us who had ever been there before so she lead the way. We went through a desert garden and then into a room with butterflies emerging from there cacoons. How interesting! I loved that Caleb was able to see butterflies being 'born'!
From there we went into a huge room filled with trees, flowers and of course butterflies! Caleb was full of oooohhhss and ahhhhs until they started swooping him because hes so sweet :) Then he started screaming noooo because he thought they were going to hurt him. We simply never convinced him otherwise because as I was taking some pictures he ran to Grandma Tonya and said he had to go potty so we dropped everything and ran! He made it and it was his first time going in a public bathroom!
  We plan on taking him back as soon as it warms up a bit.


Trevor Levine said...

I love the last pic. It's so cool.

MOM said...

It was really hard to get him to sit on that thing lol.