

  Caleb was over joyed to find where I had hidden the Christmas presents but was very patient in waiting for Christmas to open them. It got harder for him though when we put them all under the tree where they taunted him daily.
  Grandma Dawn has a little tree that she lets Caleb decorate every year at her house. He would move the decorations that she put on there to where he deemed they needed to be.
 When Christmas finally came I put a huge Rudolph stuffed animal at the bottom of the stairs so he would see it when he first came down the stairs. He was so scared of it but now we cant pry him off of it! Then it was time to open presents which is no problem for an almost 3 year old that has been looking at his presents for about 2 months. Once the presents were all unwrapped and things were cleaned up we had breakfast and then Dad and Caleb went to Grandmas house and I took a nap :)

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