
Grandma and Earthday

Grandma Tonya came up this week and we played at the parks and went to Dairy Queen with her a couple times. It was nice because she took Caleb for a walk while I painted some planets in Calebs spaceship bed. Its almost completly decked out now! I will get some pics up here when its done all the way.
We took a trip to cherry valley greenhouse again this year and they opened up a petting zoo. Caleb loved the plants and showed us all his favorites. Grandma Dawn who loves fiber animals heard the lamas talking down the bank and then snatched Caleb up and took him to look at the animals. My mom and I followed and I soon made friends with a baby cow (he was adorable). Caleb who loves bunnies, put his hand into the bunny cage to pet the bunnies...then we heard him screaming and he had gotten bit-kinda bad on the pinkey finger :(. We found someone that worked there and got him a bandaid and peroxide. He was brave when he saw a little girl and took it like a man. Mom got some dogwoods and Caleb helped plant them in the backyard the next day.
Earthday was this Thursday, so we planted some maple trees in a planter in the backyard so they can grow a little more before we plant them in the ground and so dad doesnt mow them over :) Caleb went with Grandma Dawn and I took my mom home. Dawn is going to be planting some more fruit trees at her house this week, so plan on more pics of that as I am sure she will have a little helper.

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