
Random Pics

Jack taking a drink out of the tub
Fat cat sleeping on the couch, we cant get that divot out of the cushion
Caleb and Dawn reading Mr. Brown can moo, Can you?
Caleb and Aiden in the tub
I got bored and I have been watching kitchen nightmares so I got inspired...for breakfast

These are from the past week. We got the bathroom done! Yeah! Caleb loves it, he cried when he saw that we were taking it apart. He says that he is 2 now but holds up one finger. He is getting excited about his birthday and I am going to start decorating the house soon. Aiden and Kelsey have been staying a couple of nights and Caleb is starting to warm up to Aiden. He says baby and he has started to say baby stinky, in tub. He got to the fish food again and ate almost the entire container, much to my dismay. Oh well, he just poops orange for a while.
Don't forget his Birthday is Feb 20th @ 3pm!
Love, MOM.

1 comment:

Aunt Beth said...

New pics are great; thanks for sharing your family time with us.
Aunt Beth