
Some random pics of my little C

Here we are trying to get caleb into a toddler bed...he seemed to love it. I say seemed because he really hated it! I cant even begin to describe what it was like that night. All we did was take off the one side of his crib...he was up for 12 straight hrs after his bedtime before I caved...it was terrible.
Then we found out that he is a smearer...he takes his poo out of his diaper and paints everything he can with it...so problem solved right..put him in zip up pjs all the time till he gets over this phase...
He has learned to take himself out of the pjs trough the head hole w/o undoing anything...we just hope for the best at nap times now...
We also got another kitten and named him Crispin...he loves him!
Love MOM

1 comment:

Joyfulheart said...

Hi Jenelle,

Thanks for sharing a few of your favorite "home" snapshots of your guys. These are the ones I like best. You truly are a great mom.

Aunt Beth