
Our Sick Little Boy

So Caleb had some kind of viral infection last week...poor guy had a fever of 103 at the highest! I was upset because I called the Drs office and they said that they didnt have an opening but I figured that since his fever was that high they would atleast let him come in furing the walk in hours but no..they told me that I could make an appointment or I could take him to the ER! I was furious-any good Drs office would see a kid with a fever that high that didnt go down with meds I would think. Anyways, Dawn and I took him to the Urgent Care here in town and ta da $300 and 4hrs later-he has a viral infection take him home and continue what you are doing...although if his fever increases even one degree bring him right in and we will admit him...getting madder....ok so by now his fever is getting to where its just at night so we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I made an appointment with the Dr just in case but they said the same thing and said that it should be on its way out...The next day he was his usual happy self! Yeah! Then he got this rash all over his face-we still arent sure what it is-his eyes were all red and his face was covered in red blotches that werent there about a hr before and lasted about a day before they totally went away...not sure what that was. So after about a week he was back to his normal self, at mooville, and eating his mac and cheese. I am sure we have lots of sicknesses to go through but I am not anxiously awaiting them.
Love, MOM

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