
4 Months

Here is your 4 month old photo, the others were having technical difficulties. They came out so well. (for those of you who are not computer savy, if you want a photo, right click with your mouse on it and click on save to your computer. Then you can do whatever you want to with it.
You made a new friend this month! You met your godmother Amanda's boyfriend Aaron. You also spent the day with them at Joanns and everyone thought that you were cute. You had your second well baby check up this month and you were 15 pounds and 26 inches long! Geez your getting big now. You can hold your head up really well now, it just wobbles a little bit. You were so good getting your shots too, you were squealing when the nurse came in and I had taken the mirror off the wall and was playing with you when she gave you the shots...you puckered your little lower lip and were mad for mere seconds and then you were back to squealing-really loud. Also you have outgrown your baby tub already so I got you a new one today-its a rubber ducky!
You got your picture taken with your dad on the tractor that your grandpa and him did a long time ago...its so cute. You are finally sleeping through the night and then some too! You go to bed at 7p, we get you back up at 10p to change you and feed you, then you sleep until about 8:30 in the morning! Thats a relief let me tell you. We are having a party for you when you turn 6 months so mom is trying to plan that and get some babies there because you just love to see other babies. Oh I almost forgot! We started you on squash this morning and you really liked it, well once you realized that you couldnt suck on the spoon that is. I also made another new garden and put some annual pots here and there so next year hopefully you wont dig up my flowers but we can go and get you some and you can help mom make the yard look good.

Well thats about it Turkey.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Gina said...

I love that photo! So darling!

And it cracks me up every time you call him turkey. I wish I could see you two together! You are a great mother!